Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6

I can't seem to pin down one thing to be thankful for today. My heart seems to be full... So here's a list of what I'm thankful for today!
  • A church where I can hear solid Biblical teaching each week. I love going and knowing that the Gospel will be proclaimed with no apologies.
  • New friends that we get to eat lunch with each week after church. It's been fun getting to know them over the past several weeks.
  • A fantastic husband who took care of the house this weekend while I worked through a mountain of school work.
  • A beautiful home that keeps us warm and dry (and happy).
  • Apples. We're doing an apple unit in Pre-K this week and as I've spent the past several days preparing for it, I've realized how much I love this simple fruit!
  • The ability to breathe through my nose. The Hubsters has a cold this weekend and I'm increasingly thankful that it's no longer my nose that's so drippy!
  • Cuddly puppies that love to snuggle and warm your heart.
  • Mouse traps (that my husband takes care of so faithfully). There's construction behind our house and in one week we've caught 9 mice in our backyard. It's gross but that's 9 mice that won't be coming into my kitchen!
  • Thanksgiving decorations! It means fall is here!

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